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Soulful music is like a journey. One that melts boundaries, bridges gaps, brings people close and touches our hearts and minds. It’s a journey like none other where one can reach out to God and connect with him. On Wednesday, 26th of October, ileadfarmers laid the foundation for that profound journey to celebrate the festivities of Diwali. At ileadfarmers, we were privileged to host musical maestro Pandit Sudhakar Chavan and his daughter Shashwati who lead the audience into the depths of heartfelt Indian classical music.

Where other companies celebrate Diwali with sweets, traditional themes, and firecrackers, at ileadfarmers we endeavored to highlight the ilead culture. The culture that touches every ileader – the love and respect towards one’s heritage. Heritage is where we are inspired and draw inner strength and guidance to build a better tomorrow. Highlighting this heritage, the evening of classical music was a gift to the ileaders by the CEO of ileadfarmers, Shashi Sudhanshu, and esteemed Advisory Board member Sachidanand Kulkarni.

Guiding the assembled dignitaries and the ileaders in this voyage Panditji and Shashwati were at the helm with their soulful performance into the musical universe. Shashwati set the stage for the evening, with different types of Ragas. Her mesmerizing melody accompanied by accomplished musicians enkindled a symphony enthralling the audience. People were awestruck, both the experienced ears of classical music as well as the initiates.

Sachidanand and ileader Papia comparing the evening occasion introduced the audience to the Kalashree website following the performance of Shashwati. The soft launch of Kalashree website, an effort of the versatile ileaders was a tribute to Kalashree Sangeet Mandal of which Pandit Sudhakar Chavan and Shashwati are the pillars. The felicitation ceremony followed after witnessed ileaders sharing tokens of appreciation with the assembled musical veterans.

The evening concluded with Pandit Sudhakar Chavan’s captivating voice reverberating on the floor of ileadfarmers. Starting with a Khayal, Panditji concluded his unearthly performance with a Bhairavi of his own composing. Thrilled with the stellar performance, Shashi Sudhanshu closed the evening with a thank you note and warm gesture on behalf of the entire ileadfarmers team.

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