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The 4-minute read that’ll change your world

It’s a small, connected world in today’s digital era. A world in which anyone can say anything about you. Imagine your competitor being this anyone. It is therefore vital for you to convey your brand story because if you don’t, your competition will. Now that’s something you don’t want.

It’s no secret that the world is highly competitive. What people think about you, has to be controlled by your story. Following are just some of the things you can keep in mind while writing your tale.

1. Put facts in your story
Don’t believe it? Well, you wouldn’t have come here if the “4-minute read” tagline at the start of the blog didn’t appeal to you. Correct? It’s simple, saying, “We’re fast” doesn’t work. Saying, “We completed it in a week” does.

2. Don’t fake it
Don’t pretend to be a rock star. Be genuine about your story. Creativity is great, but fiction is not. Instead of constantly telling people that you are an awesome brand, tell them WHY you are an awesome brand.

3. Keep it small
Make sure your story is short and crisp. It’s a WhatsApp world we live in, and people like bit-sized content. Long, jargon-filled stories are a no-no. Creative and rich stories will always be read and shared more.

4. Don’t be shy
Make sure everything you do, from your actual work to marketing to social media promotions, has a glimpse of your story. Only then will it truly represent your brand.

5. Not just you, even your client and employees
Your story should be so powerful, so engaging and so immersive that your clients and employees should feel like retelling it.

6. Use visuals
Use visuals to make a greater impact on your story. A picture is worth a thousand words – so take advantage of it to express yours.

7. Empathy is the key
You don’t always have to be a hero. Develop empathy for your users, therefore, so that they are attracted to your vision.

Your story is the one thing people will connect with. It therefore has to be engaging and entertaining. That is the power of real storytelling… and that’s the real need of storytelling. Learn how we at TALKD can tell your story.

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