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Talkd For Future

By March 29, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

Talkd For Future
2018 Roadmap
2018 promises to bring new avenues of opportunities for TALKD. I would go ahead and say that these will be opportunities of a lifetime. Our agency is going to foray into different segments and we will be right there next to the top design thinking and consulting companies — complimenting and competing against them.

Centred on Design Thinking, our 2018 roadmap will be pillared on three business verticals — Sales Enablement, Marketing & Communication Design and Tech Design. However, to walk on this path, transformation is going go be a significant part of our agenda. Evolving how we work, we are on a skill transformation process to match our game with the fast paced needs of leading enterprises. Since our transformation to Talkd, we have been able to tackle challenges with better realization of our own capabilities in terms of design as well as sales. Talkd for future will now mean — larger accounts, global locations and long term client acquisitions.

We are already leveraging game-changing skills and capabilities in — design thinking, UX, marketing technology, sales intelligence, communications design — all focused with a human centric approach. We have furthered the boundaries of our skillset which are most beneficial for large orgs. For instance our Design System has already been a crucial part of supporting large companies. Another example is our Design Thinking approach which has helped solve strategic problems for our clients.

The larger the enterprise the more versatile is their nature and the problems they face. Partnering with them as an extended arm, addressing these issues from a strategic level with Design Thinking workshops to operational level with tech integration and visual storytelling will be our key takeaway for 2018 and beyond.

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